Week 3 Term 4 2016
Over the past 2 weeks we have been talking about seeds and how they grow.
We found out that seeds have coats and contain a small plant and all the food that the plant needs to grow.
We did a small inquiry about what seeds need to have to grow well and we predicted the outcomes. After 1 week we looked back at our seedlings and found we had made good predictions.
Seeds need water, warmth, light, soil, air and even noise and company so they will germinate. If they do not have some of these things they won't grow as fast or as strong , and sometimes not grow at all...
As part of our inquiry into seeds we looked at different foods that have seeds.
We had to look at a cross section and try and draw it accurately and with the correct
colours and sizes. This was tricky but we did our best .
Now these sketches are on the wall of our classroom.Can you tell what foods we drew?
Week 2 Term 4 2016
On Friday Stanley Avenue School hosted a combined schools calf club.
Three of our students from Room 7 competed and had a great time.
We enjoyed being able to go and have a look at all of the calves,lambs and kids (baby goats) after the competition had finished.
Week 2 Term 4 2016
We were very lucky to have Kathy from Zero Waste visiting on Monday. She was coming in to see Miss Williams and Room 5 to help them get our school worm farm started, and she was able to visit the other junior classes as well.
Kathy brought some tiger worms in to show us and talked about what they need to eat in the worm farm. Anything that comes from plants is okay, including scraps, ash, sawdust and even cardboard and paper!
Week 1 Term 4 2016
Welcome back!
This term we are working on a theme called "Lets get growing!"
We have planted sunflower seeds and we are working on an inquiry about what they need to grow. We have them in different places to test if they need light,warmth,quiet, air, and soil.
We also have planted some extra seeds to see if we can grow some sunflowers to take home at the end of the year.
We also had a lot of New World seeds given to us . We are not having a competition like Room 5 and 6, but any of the seeds we can get growing we will put in the school gardens.
We had to measure, and mix and put the seeds in and now we are keeping them moist so they can grow. We are wondering how long it will take before we see them sprouting...
Week 9 Term 3 2016
This week was our final week at school for the term. We had our performance assembly and the Junior team did something a bit different...
Kathy made us a beautiful moa to help support our story, and we found out a little bit about moas as we went.