Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Happy Birthday Stanley Avenue

We enjoyed Mrs Wilson's visit to our class.  She was a student at Stanley Avenue School in the 1970's.
We walked around the school with her and she talked about the buildings as they were when she was a school girl here.  There have been lots of changes!
She told us about the games that she played.  She brought her 'elastics' and showed us how to play the game.
We were very interested in looking at her photo albums which gave us lots of ideas about what life was like at primary school 40 years ago.

Monday, 25 August 2014

New friends

At the end of Term 2 we farewelled five of our friends who have moved through to Room 8.  We are very happy to welcome eight new friends from Room 6.  They are working very hard to get to know their new classmates and classroom routines.

This term is a very special term for our school.  Stanley Avenue School is having a birthday - a very special 50th anniversary! We will be learning about celebrations and life in the 1960's when Stanley Avenue School opened for the first time. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Willow came to school

Willow came to school with her handler Steph to teach us how to be safe around strange dogs.  We learnt what to do if a dog we don't know comes up to us.

Book Fair

Room 7 were very excited to see the Book Fair truck arrive at school.

Thank you to all the families who supported the Fair so generously!

Friday, 16 May 2014

A great start to Term 2

The Minstrel came to our school today.  He talked to us about being safe in the water when going out in a boat and looking after the fish and their environment.  We were very lucky to have Mrs Prattley in our class as well.  She brought along some fishing gear for us to look at.
  One of our favourite songs is Kai Moana.  It has a great message for the fishermen!

Kai Moana, food from the sea
Kai Moana to feed the family.
Fish for the future and there will always be more
Kai Moana for you and me.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Visitors to Room 7

Michael brought his new puppy Jack to school.  We asked him questions about how he cares for Jack.
Captain Cashtastic from ASB came to talk to us about how to care for our money!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Thank you Harold.....

Since Harold and Shelley's visit in the Life Education Mobile Classroom we have been learning about our bodies and how to stay healthy.

We have been discovering how our digestive system works.  Did you know that your chewed up food goes down a tube in your neck called the oesophagus?

We have been discovering how our heart and lungs work.  Did you know that your heart is a muscle?

We have been learning about our skeletons.  Did your know that your ribs protect your heart and lungs?  You have 12 pairs of ribs.

We have been learning about how our brain is always working even when we sleep.  We need to keep our brain healthy by eating healthy foods.  We need to keep our brain busy by learning new things.


Friday, 21 March 2014

Week 7 in Room 7

 What a busy week!
Here we are visiting Harold and his friends in the Life Education classroom.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Our Day - Part 3

After lunch we work on our topic.  We might do some art, music, movement, drama, Te Reo or Physical Education.
This term in our topic we are thinking about how we learn.  Our five senses help us to learn about our environment.  We have been thinking about how we hear sounds.  We had fun making different sounds with the musical instruments!
Next week Harold and Shelley will be here in the Life Education classroom.  We will learn more about how our body works and how to take care of ourselves so that we can be the best learners we can be.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Our Day - Part 2

After play we take out our book boxes and practise our reading.  We call this time 'Nothing But Reading'.  We come together on the mat for shared reading and Mrs Hunt reads us stories.  Then we work in groups on our Reading Rotation activities. We enjoy using the iPads at this time to practise our reading skills!  When Mrs Hunt has worked with all our groups we come back to the mat and share with each other about our learning during Reading Rotation time.
Now it is time to focus on our Maths.  Sometimes we work in our Activity Groups and sometimes we work as a class.  This term we have been looking at shapes.  We can identify many simple shapes and we have been looking for three dimensional shapes in the environment.
Now it is time for lunch.  Learning is hungry work!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Our Day - Part 1

At 8.55 the bell rings.  We head to our class for mat time.  We come together with a song, Mrs Hunt calls the roll, we check the school website for news and we deal with our house keeping.  Then it is time for our speaking and listening focus time.

Now we are on the move!  We head to the Rec. Centre for fitness activities. You can see us in the photo stretching and warming up.
We spend 15 - 20 minutes doing lots of challenging and interesting activities.

After Fitness we head back to class and work on our handwriting activity for the day.  As we have been busy and active we take time for our milk/fruit break before we head back to the mat to prepare for our writing activity.

Monday, 10 March 2014


We are a busy class of six year olds who love to learn.
We come to school every day to have fun and to find out new things about our world and ourselves.
We start each day with a song and a greeting.
We are learning greetings from around the world.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Cool kids grow here!

We are the kids from Stanley Ave.
We really are so cute.
We work hard from 9 till 3.
The teachers think we're beaut!